Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Oriental Movie Metropolis Show Theater

Heart to the local nature and response to contemporary times is the initial inspiration for the aesthetic creating of architectural form. Rooted in Eastern philosophy, the self-organizing system of building elevation, which involve the natural environmental perception, custom performance function and construction material shaping potential, perfectly represent the orderly and complexity elegance.

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Zhiliantai Industrial Park

Project inspiration comes from the oriental philosophy: gathering energy and blending all together. The upward form echoes the excellent four-direction view from the air, with the plan of transform from square to windmill shape. The design partial cut corners taking the advantage of the Windmill-shape-volume, ensuring the comfort of the surrounding buildings, as well as the elegant overall tower image. The smooth streamlined volume implies the philosophical concept of flow and balance, while the gradient changing plan ingeniously and accurately solves the different program requirements.

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Huanghesong Theatre

The whole space is based on white and yellow, which is more fashionable and international. The entrance space continues the water in the sky device. On the one hand, the shape of the top of the hall and the decorative column originates from the elements of the book page, which symbolizes the culture, and the Central Plains culture is an important source of Chinese culture. Taking the book as the shape vividly highlights the profound and long origin of regional culture.

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Xi'an Qujiang Art Center

The project faces such a traffic pulse, the aechitect preset such a scene. The building is like a glass exhibit which is held in the air, forming an unique visual sign beside the urban road. The activities in the exhibition hall also become part of the exhibition, attracting people to enter the site and to feel the narrative of design. Then browsing itself also becomes part of the show. The planning and design of the project also runs the thinking of urban design, which break trough the existing city grid.

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First Shiguangli

Trying to open up the river of time, interpretation of the history left behind the carrier of faith, linked to the region in space-time memory, in the context of cultural overlap resonated. Thinking from the dimension of urban living space, it reflects a book island located in the bustling city, showing people's wisdom, culture and spiritual power in a dynamic way.

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The Peacock

The Peacock's ancient craftsmanship and contemporary fabrication create an intentional joining of past and present. The cellar comprises one thousand individually handcrafted blue-glazed terra cotta tiles, glistening like the Peacock's feathers. The design team used 3d printing to prototype before working with artisans from the historic porcelain town of Jingdezhen, China to craft the final tiles. Every tile's internal LED illuminates bottles individually, this creates a soft ambiance throughout the cellar. Over three years of fabrication, the team gained great respect for the artisans.

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Design Legends are extremely famous designers who make our World a better place with their good designs. Discover legendary designers and their innovative product designs, original art works, creative architecture, outstanding fashion designs and design strategies. Enjoy and explore original design works of award-winning designers, artists, architects, innovators and brands worldwide. Get inspired by creative designs.

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