Simplicity Office - Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



This design project is based on modern style as the fundamental color tone, the main color tone adopted dignified and tranquil grey for the display with the match of pure white color, while extremely modern craftsmanship and techniques are further applied to deconstruct the spatial aesthetic sentiment. What is worth mentioning is the design of the spiral staircase within the space adopted an arc elegant line to balance the masculinity of the space, where the application of steel panel and arc-shaped glass simplified the volume of the staircase.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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