Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design

Lifestyle Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Villa AT

Villa AT is located on a high vantage point, with an L-shaped floor plan pivots around a long curved glass façade, offering cinematic views of the landscape. The house stands in contrast to these boxy, conventional forms with a curving façade that uses wood in a fluid, contemporary way. Thin timber slats gently curve around the façade to create strong but soft forms. From a distance, the Villa AT has a serene, minimal appearance, but up close the rough texture of timber slats become apparent.

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CR City Crossing

LSD trying to make the installations in the space a “bridge” that uses the relationship between natural light and materials to connect space with matter.The interior consists of a series of open and closed continuums. Light and shadow, combined with changes in the seasons and the sky, present a sense of rhythm of change in space.

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The Bandage sofa is a smart product for offices or homes. When members of Bogdanova Bureau team started to design this piece of furniture, they first of all thought about the comfort. The first thing, which you imagine when you think about the sofa is a dozen uncomfortable pillows, moving from side to side and making your rest miserable. Design team seen this problem often and decided to fix it with the special bandage system.

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Kolkata Refinery091

Refinery 091 is a themed pub that endeavors to change the way Pubs are imagined. Elements incorporated here have never been used before. The name itself has been derived from the international dialing code of India (91), making it stand out as being an out and out Indian space. Refinery 091 pays homage to the purest form of design by subtly blending the elements lending themselves to both raw and finished decor. Around the place, they seem to be moving towards a refined finish form from a raw looking finish.

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Yan's House, Shenyang

The color plan of the whole space considers the characteristics of the material, emphasizing the light and shadow, the material and the details, so that the high-level gray becomes into a special style. The technique of the space treatment is based on the understanding of the building and of the human being, forming the great stylistic features for this building.

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Hello Industrie 4.0

At the world’s largest industrial show, KUKA’s booth takes the form of a highly visible, futuristic exhibition structure. Inside it, the market leader in intelligent automation with robotics takes visitors on a trip into networked production landscapes and changing work environments. Cobotics, Cloud Computing or the Internet of Robotics – the thematic areas throughout the brand environment exude and bring to life the spirit of a thought leader and trailblazer for Industrie 4.0.

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